Montreal region 514-864-3900
Outside Montreal 800-567-3900
Quebec region: 418-652-4413
Elsewhere in Canada: 800-488-2323
if the results are unsatisfactory:
Quebec region 418-652-6704
Elsewhere in Canada 888-400-6528 extension 6704
La prestation fiscale canadienne pour enfants (PFCE) and Quebec Family Allowance
In the case of separation or divorce the beneficiary of the PFCE must advise Revenue Canada of his or her change in civil status. This is necessary because the separation gives rise to a change in civil status after 90 days and to a new calculation of the PFCE.
You must use a form entitled RC-65 Prestation fiscale pour enfants, choix de changement d'état civil which can be obtained from Revenue Canada.
Montreal region 514-283-8577
Elsewhere in Quebec 800-387-1194
Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec - Carte d'assurance maladie (RAMQ)
When there has been a change in your civil status as a result of separation or divorce you must advise the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec.
Montreal region 514-864-3411
Elsewhere in Quebec 800-561-9749
When involved in divorce proceedings it may be necessary to obtain an estimate of your pension entitlement before and after partition in order to help decide whether to agree to renounce to the partition of each other's gains registered with Regie des rentes.
You must provide the Court file number and use a form entitled Simulation des effets du partage.
To reach the Direction des régimes de retraite:
Montreal region 514-643-5185
Elsewhere in Quebec 800-463-5185
Commision administrative des régimes de retraite et d'assurances (CARRA)
This is the body which administers the pension funds of 500,000 employees in the public and parapublic sectors (e.g. teachers, nurses, civil servants etc.)
Quebec region 418-643-4881
Elsewhere in Quebec 800-463-5533
Directeur de l'état civil, Service du changement du nom.
To reach the Directeur de l'état civil:
Quebec region 418-643-2545
Montreal region 514-864-3900
Elsewhere in Quebec 800-567-3900
Helpful organizations after separation or divorce:
A network of 90 women's centres in all regions of the province.
Montreal region - 514-876-9965
Offers assistance to fathers to help facilitate relations with their children after separation.
Montreal region 514-527-3166
outside Montreal 877-414-3770
Assistance and advice for victims of conjugal violence
Montreal region: 514-873-9010
outside Montreal 800-363-9010
Montreal region 514-738-1223
outside Montreal 800-561-1223
Montreal region 514-866-6769
outside Montreal 800-667-7559
Montreal region 514-846-057